Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cole is getting ready for the Easter Bunny! We may go see him this weekend!
He & Addy had fun today. We keep Addy on Wednesdays & Emily and Mom help me on Tuesdays because I teach gymnastics. Its a good tag team & the kiddos enjoy one another! Addy thought it was too funny for Cole Man to wear bunny ears!

He LOVES water! I hope I have a water baby this summer!!!
These pictures crack me up!

Our week has been pretty uneventful. We tried to come off the reflux meds...BIG HUGE mistake. We have had no sleep for days. We got back on yesterday & he did a little better...I am praying for him to sleep all night tonight. We are not trying to come off that again anytime soon!!!! The rest is just a normal week. We are looking forward to Brooke's birthday this weekend!


Ashley Trammell said...

This pic is so cute. Yes Brady is going through a phase where he doesn't want it in his eyes which bothers me but hopefully we will get out of it. Jordyn loves the water though.