Thursday, April 9, 2009

Looking for HELP

Hey everyone! I have the opportunity to do an awesome project through Publix for mother's day. They come out and teach my kids how to decorate a cake & they each get to make one for their mothers. But with End of the Year activities ( field day, fun day, Finale party, program shirts, book fair, etc...) ...our parents are all "dollarded" out! Some other classes have found sposors to support their class! I am looking for a business to sponsor our class! All 20 kids can take part if I can come up with $130.00. The sponsor's name will go on the card! It's a great oppprtunity to do something DIFFERENT for the kids & teach them about doing things for Mommy! Let me know if you know anyone who can help! I have to order by Monday if we are going to take part! Thanks everyone!!!


Nana said...

It's taken care of.