Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dirty Feet

Today I saw a baby Cole's age with the dirtiest feet I have ever seen. Who the baby is or where I saw her is not important but the fact that her feet were as black as my front door is what makes me blog tonight. Not only were her feet black, but her hair was matted and her diaper was "hanging off" wet. I am sorry that I am judging this mother...but WHY? Why ? Why would you do that to your baby? How could you treat something so sweet so terribly? I would wash Cole in a 24 hour gas station bathroom before I ever let his feet get so nasty. I know that everyone is dealt different cards in life, but children are not part of those. Birth Control is free at the health department. Babies can be have to make a choice to have them. They are not really ever a surprise. You have to do something to have a baby...therefore don't be surprised if you end up pregnant. Why would you bring a baby into this world if you do not want to feed her & clean her & diaper her...and love her. her. Taking care of your child is part of loving your child. I know I probably sound very judgemental, and I guess I am being very judgemental right now...but it is something I do not understand and I do not feel should be tolerated in this country. That baby might as well have been born in a third world country & had her face on tv. Its the same thing! If people do not care for the physical & emotional needs of their children, they should lose their children. I cannot stop thinking about something tonight...what if I took that lil girl home with me today? What if I spent 20 minutes bathing her & letting her play with bath toys which I bet she's never seen. What if I fed her a warm meal and a nice bottle. What if I read her a book & dressed her in warm jammies....what if I rocked her to sleep and laid her down in a warm snuggly bed....what if we did it all over again the next day...and the different would her life different would she be in 5 years...10 years...20 years??? I hurt for her tonight. She didn't deserve the cards she's been dealt...she's so little. Why her? I am sure she will ask that question to herself oneday & I feel so bad for her. I wish I could bring her home..... I wish I had never seen those dirty little feet. Noone deserves to have feet that dirty.
On a happier note. I didn't want to end on such a sad one...We had Addy for a little while today. She & Cole are really starting to play well together. They play & then Cole usually ends up crying over something. Its too cute.


Trace Car Driver said...

i agree... the things we see sometimes are so sad. i feel bad for that lil girl and i didn't even see her poor dirty feet. the saddest part is sometimes there is just no excuse. but maybe someone can help them oneday. and like you, on a happier note- LOVE the pics! cole is getting to that age where he and addie will start playing for hours on end- on their own! it's great :) and as the other cousins come along- the more the merrier!