Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Preparing for the holidays....

So we have been so busy going here & going there preparing for the holiday season. Recently I went to The Gaither Vocal Band concert with Blayne & his parents. I dreaded going because I didn't really think I would enjoy it....but I did! It was wonderful & had several great songs that I thought I would share a little about....

The first one is "Don't Let Me miss The Glory".....

".....Don't let me miss the glory,don't let me miss the praise. All creation is singing to the honor of your name. Don't let me miss the wonder...don't let me miss the grand design. The lightening and the thunder will open up my eyes...Don't let me miss the glory. "
I heard a BLIND man playing the piano and singing this song.....it was beautiful and amazing....here this man is and he is probably more blessed than most of us because he cannot get distracted with all of the worldly things we can....facebook,tv,computers....etc...and he was singing with all his heart" Don't let me miss the Glory" and I sat there and thought we need to be singing that...it seems as though he's not missing it...but I bet we all are! We are so caught up in worldly things in this generation...we are missing out....

The Next is "The Promise"
Go read them! Better than that...youtube & listen!
It is beautiful and so true. When bad things happen and we are so overwhelmed and just exhausted...we think that he has left our side and that is not true. God never promised everything would be ok all the time...but he did promise he would get us through it. This world is always going to let us down...but we serve a God who always keeps his promises. I am so thankful for that. I will never be perfect...but he was and will always be!

Last....I have a new favorite Chrismas song!
"...it was not a silent night...there was blood on the ground...you could hear a woman cry in the alleyway that night on the streets of David's town. And the stable was not clean and the cobblestones were cold. Little Mary full of grace with the tears upon her face had no mother's hand to hold. It was a labor of hope...it was a cold sky above...but for the girl on the ground in the dark, every beat of her beautiful heart..it was a labor of love "

It is absolutely beautiful to hear...please find it and listen to it! It sent chills up my spine. I guess we all get caught up in the sweet story of a little baby born in a barn and we don't really think about the fact that she had a baby...in a barn...no epidurals...no doctors...no clean warm blankets...no moms or sisters ....no waiting room full of people praying and waiting....the KING of the world came that simply. He came into a cold and lost world to save us. What an amazing story. What an amazing night.....not a silent night......but definitely one full of love. A love that we cannot even imagine. A love bigger than anything I can comprehend. A love that later gave himself for us on a cross....

As you are preparing for the holidays....lets have fun with our family but lets not forget that it is really all about Jesus.


Nana said...

Amen !!! and there was another song I loved: Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored. I came home from the concert and immediately downloaded several of the songs we had heard. I heard Labor of Love last Christmas and loved it then. There are some great You Tube videos with scenes of Jesus' birth and the song in the background. I normally don't care for blue grass music, but the Isaacs are great ! And I think we would have rioted if they had closed without Mark Lowry singing Mary, Did You Know! There are also some great You Tube videos of that song. I'm SO GLAD you were pleasantly surprised by the concert ! !